DSP News

Jungle Book - The Musical.

DSP is pleased to announce the release of a funky musical adaptation of The Jungle Book. This version has been staged thousands of times across Europe. Visit this link to sample the script and music.

Saturday Night Fever the Musical.

DSP is thrilled to announce that community theatres in Australia and New Zealand will be the first in the world to stage the iconic world-wide hit Saturday Night Fever the ...

New Australian Comedies.

DSP is excited to release three new Australian comedies. Read all about them in our latest Play and Comedy newsletter which includes suggestions for Anzac Day 2015. A big welcome to Tony ...

Theatre Restaurant and Outrageous Comedy News.

DSP has many of the funniest theatre restaurant style comedies available for performance. Pictured here is a scene from This is Your Captain Speaking. Check out our new releases and pictures from ...

New Judith Prior Comedy : Hacienda del Toro

 Hilarious new theatre restaurant comedy by Judith Prior set in a Mexican restaurant. Read an extract of Hacienda del Toro. 

Recommendations for Primary Schools

Get some hot tips on what musicals or plays to stage in Primary Schools in 2014 and beyond. Visit our our latest newsletter at this link. 

DSP High School Musical Highlights 2013

 If you are a High School Teacher and are looking for a great musical to stage in 2014 please read the DSP  school newsletter with highlights from across Australia and New ...

Hot Shoe Shuffle Sizzles

Hot Shoe Shuffle is delighting audiences in Sydney and can be seen in Melbourne from August 10. Read David Spicer's interview with Hot Shoe Shuffle co-creator and star David Atkins here. A special ...

The Boy From Oz in USA and Canada

David Spicer Productions is pleased  and honored to announce the release of the rights to stock and amateur theaters of The Boy From Oz in the USA and Canada.   The Boy From ...

DSP Guide to Gilbert & Sullivan and Operetta

Please read our latest newsletter focussing on Gilbert & Sullivan and operetta offered by David Spicer Productions. Click here.