DSP News

New DSP Office

I recently finished building a new office which is now headquarters for David Spicer Productions and Stage Whispers Magazine. Pictured here are some of writers who joined to help launch the ...

Todd Returns as The Boy From Oz in Sydney and Melbourne.

Australia’s favourite song and dance man, and the original Boy From Oz, Todd McKenney is back. After a recent sellout season in Melbourne The Boy from Oz will play for two weeks only at the ...

Hot New Comedies and Farce.

My new catalogue is filled with new comedies and farce. Check out Stand And Deliver by Janet Shaw. The comedy set in a maternity ward will split your stitches.

Back to the 80's facebook page.

Back to the 80's now has an official Facebook Page. Join now here and share your photos and memories of the show. Included are pictures from Launceston College's Production in July 2010 which sold ...

Meet the DSP Double Rehearser.

Luke Zancanarro was a busy teenager during June and July. The Sydney student was rehearsing for two DSP shows at once. He played a power Achilles in Oakhill College's production of Paris. At the ...

Meet the Brainy Tap Brothers.

Wollongong had never seen such a combination of brains, brothers and tap dancing. What a treat for me to  see such nimble footwork from Moonglow Productions for their performance of Hot Shoe ...

Paris - staged in Austria.

Paris - by Jon English and David Mackay has had a triumphant premiere in the German language. I had great pleasure in attending the pro-am performance staged by a choir in the town of Mistelbach ...

Todd Returns as The Boy From Oz.

Todd McKenney,  the original Peter Allen in The Boy From Oz, has decided that 766 performances is not enough. He's reprising the role with The Production Company in Melbourne at the ...

Keating the Musical World Amateur Premiere

I had great pleasure attending the Old Nick Company's magnificent performance of Keating! which is playing to packed houses in the Theatre Royal Hobart. Pictured here is me with Scott Farrow who ...

Humdingers a Hit

Jack O'Hagan's Humdingers - was a huge hit for the Malvern Theatre and Lilydale Athenaeum Theatre in Melbourne. The high cholesterol piece of Australian musical fare had packed houses and won rave ...