Forty classic comedy sketches from the Wharf Revue are available for performance.
A rich variety of monologues, duologues, sketches, and satirical songs are published and can be selected to suit ...
DSP is excited to announced that a new edition of We Will Rock You is available for performance in Australia and New Zealand for younger performers.
WE WILL ROCK YOU Young@Part® is the ...
Introducing the world's first post COVID-19 musical set in a suburban supermarket a year after the pandemic.
In Pricecheck! The Supermarket Musical staff and customers do their best to ...
A new production of The Boy From Oz will be staged by Platinum Entertainment in the Perth Crown Theatre from January 23.
Recent WAAPA graduate Ethan Jones is taking on the role of ...
Introducing the Australian Junior Musical collection.
Superb locally written musicals for young performers - most with CD backing tracks and streaming availability.
Read about there here.
A big welcome back to the stage in Western Australia where Platinum Entertainment is wowing audiences in the Crown Theatre with their production of We Will Rock You until November 22. The writer ...
DSP is celebrating the publication and release of rights to another musical classic. Norman Lindsay's The Magic Pudding adapted by Andrew James with music by Sarah de Jong was first staged at the ...