"Judith Prior’s script is light-hearted fun, packed with puns and giving the cast plenty of opportunities to get a laugh from the audience." Stage Whispers 2021.
Read the full review here.
Plot / Synopsis
"Sailing South" is a tall tale of a tall ship, somewhere between farce and adult pantomime. The story is not meant to have any historical truth or significance so long as it fits the guidelines of the plausible impossible.
All the characters need to be played much larger than life and including the audience as part of the action is very important.
Act one takes place in a courtroom in old England and acts two and three on board the good ship Venus.
The sets need not be elaborate. If your cast are not strong singers the songs may be mimed or even left out altogether.
If you have strong singers extra songs may be added to suit your principals.
The costumes for the girls could be blouses and skirts, hats and gloves for act one, dark skirts white blouses, aprons and mob caps for act two and perhaps for act three the original costume with a shawl or sash. The male prisoners in knee breeches raggy shirts, waist coats etc for act one and striped tee shirts, raggy pants and sandals, perhaps sailor hats, or head scarves for acts two and three.
The officers on the ship need some sort of uniform preferably red with lots of gold braid and black and gold hats, lace cuffs and jabot. Francois may wear really outrageous modern gym wear with his uniform hat for the jazzercise class.
Above all have fun with the script.....we did!
Suggested Music.
1. Rule Britannia, or There'll Aways be an England,
2. Dead march.. or The Wiffenpoof Song.
3. Pick a pocket or Two, or Kids
4. It's the Sayme the Whole World Over,
5. Road to Gundagai. or The Dog sat on the Tuckerbox, any Australian Medley
6. Sailing South.
7. Ship Ahoy, or In the Navy or We Joined the Navy.
8. Sonny Boy or Mother.
9. Heaven Help us All, Music Men of Harleich.
10. William Tell Overture.
11. Boiled Beef and Carrots or any song about food.
12. Gentle Art of Seduction or any Girl Song.
13. My God How the Money Rolls In.
14. Fame or Give Me a Home Among the Gum Trees.
N.B. THIS SCRIPT IS TEXT ONLY. The play may be performed with or without music. The above songs are suggestions only as to the type of song suitable. Copyright permission if applicable should be sought from the appropriate publishers of any songs used.
CHARLOT............................................................................................... Lady of the Night
DENISE........................................................................ . Stuck-up would be Lady/prisoner
SALLY.................................................................................................. Young Tart/prisoner
POLLY................................................................................................ Young naive prisoner
LAVINIA............................................................... Could be a Dame...Mother of Eustace
EUSTACE..................................................................................................... Judge/Captain
FRANCOIS................................................................................................... Lawyer/Purser
BOSUN............................................................................................................. Clerk/Bosun
TOBY................................................................................................... Pickpocket/Prisoner
BEN........................................................................................................ Gullible Cabin Boy