Jason Taylor, a quiet unassuming person, is one week away from marrying Lucinda, his childhood sweetheart. The overzealous bride’s mother, Stella Parsons, has turned the wedding into a personal crusade.
No expense has been spared and a year’s preparations have all come together to make it the event of the decade. Lucinda, who has always been dominated by her mother, has gone along with the lavish arrangements. As the wedding looms ever closer, everything is on track.
That is until, Julie, a girl from the local florists, calls at the Taylors to make some final arrangements. By a twist of fate, Jason is at home alone. Their inevitable first meeting sparks off that magical chemistry which makes two people fall helplessly in love.
From that point on, the plot twists and turns in a frantic manner, making the wedding a far more memorable occasion than even Stella could have imagined.
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6M 4F
JOHN TAYLOR About forty-eight. Lets the world go by, henpecked by his wife, loves gardening. Hard worker.
ANNE TAYLOR (Wife of John) About forty-five. Runs the family, but does not like to be put under pressure. Smartly dressed.
JASON TAYLOR (Only child of John and Anne) About twenty-five. Down to earth, a quiet, deep thinking, romantic person.
STELLA PARSONS (Bride’s mother) About fifty-two. Jumped-up snob, plenty of money, but in a loveless marriage. Trying to find love and affection outside her marriage.
LUCINDA PARSONS (Only daughter of Stella and Reg Parsons) About twenty-five. Emotional wreck. Has been dominated by her mum. She has been spoilt with everything that money could buy. Does not make the best of herself until Act II, Scene II. Then she is transformed. She looks lovely.
JULIE HEMMINGS (Works at the local florist) About twenty-two. From poor background, she has never had much money. Very attractive girl who is kind and considerate.
CHRIS TUCKER (Best friend of Jason) About twenty-five. Quick thinker. Jack-the-lad, anything goes, lives for today.
SID BLUNSDEN (Work friend of John) About forty-five. Big thinker, full of flannel. Married, without children. Runs his own video recording business.
ALF PRATT (Work friend of John) About thirty-five. Disheveled nerd. Not the sharpest tool in the box! Lodges with Sid and his wife. Helps with Sid’s filming business.