A comedy thriller described as Erin Brockovich meets the Castle, based on a true story.
Hapless anxiety prone lawyer Brad Pitt ( no relation ) turns up to fill in for the day for a lawyer on holiday and is thrust unprepared into a complex case where a mother is suing a chemical giant because her daughter's show pony was ravaged by the company's cleaning product.
Facing a lawyer who resembles a rottweiler and a scowling magistrate, Brad Pitt has to overcome the odds including a strange habit of passing out and waking up thinking he is a gorilla.
What follows is a fish out of water farce which shows it is never too late to realise your potential.
"A funny and touching play" Stage Whispers Magazine.
Bondi Legal was staged for the third time in 2019 October at Bondi Beach. Click here for more details.
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FRANK BAILEY Loud-mouthed, aggressive proprietor of a Bondi Beach legal practice. In his mid-fifties he is totally self absorbed and cares little for the plight of others.
BRAD PITT A lawyer in his forties who finds it difficult to to decide if he is a man
or a mouse. Completely lacking in self confidence, he is prone to panic attacks. And no-one believes
he is Brad Pitt.
FRANCES DENYER An elegant and attractive woman in her late thirties, she is a caring and gentle soul.
SIMON CROOKWELL A tall, brash, young lawyer who has a take no prisoners attitude to everything. Best described as a Rottweiler with a law degree, he will crush you as soon as look at you.
MAGISTRATE NEWMAN In her fifties this judicial officer has a no nonsense approach to the conduct of cases and wears
a permanent scowl on her face but is nicknamed 'Smiley'.
DR JAMES NASH A veterinary surgeon in his thirties, he is a composed and thoughtful man, not easily ruffled.
SCHLESSER Of German extraction this Chemistry Professor is deeply suspicious, overly cautious and very definite and precise in his views.
DR GAVIN ROBERTS Australia’s leading equine dermatologist is so full of himself his cup certainly runneth over. He has a commanding presence and a pompous tone in his voice.